On Sale!
2012 Fender Kurt Cobain Road Worn Jaguar - 3-Color Sunburst & case with candy
1990s 100W Marshall 6100LM Anniversary & 1936 2x12 Cabinet
1987 Marshall JCM 800 -2205 100W Head
2003 Martin OM-35 Acoustic with original hard shell case
1982 Gibson ES 335 TDN left handed model and hard shell case
2017 Fender CS 1960 Stratocaster Relic LPB & Orig. hard shell case
1994 Fender Stratocaster Deluxe Plus in Blonde finish & hard shell case
1996 Gibson Citation Archtop Natural finish & hard shell case
1973 Gibson SG Standard in Faded Cherry finish
2001 Fender USA Stratocaster in White finish and hard shell case
1973 Fender Stratocaster Black/Maple neck with hard shell case.
1968 Gretsch Viking in Sunburst finish
1966 Guild Starfire 2, single cutaway in Cherry finish
2016 Gibson Custom ES-275F Finished in Montreux Burst & original hard shell case
1965 Epiphone Al Caiola Custom In Royal Tan Sunburst & original hard shell case
1965 Epiphone E422T Century Sunburst with hard shell case
2018 Gibson Figured walnut ES-335 Memphis & original hard shell case
1978 Fender Mustang in black finish and hard shell case
2020 Lakland Skyline Darryl Jones 4 LPB.
1995 DOBRO DWF-60 in dark matt Sunburst